The seed of Ambition

      I will be talking about Self-Regulated learning over the next few posts. Self-Regulated learning is the seed of Ambition. It is the ability to understand and control a learning environment. Ambition is being in a constant state of learning. When one activity is mastered, it’s only natural to continue on to another. If a women, who is ambitious, is not being challenged in their career, home, or school environment, they need to figure out how to challenge themselves outside of that environment. Without being challenged, an ambitious women can become depressed and have feelings of worthlessness. (Ladies, it is mandatory for you to be challenged.) When these women are being challenged enough, it’s important for them to stop and look where they are in the process. Acknowledge work learned, while noting challenges ahead.

      Some great ways to be a Self-regulated learner:

      ~Be analytical, think of what task needs to be completed and how
                                              Make-up Artist: Andrea Comacho

       ~Note the final goal, write it down, take a mental note, visualize where you want to go with the challenge you are taking on

       ~While on your road to success, you may have some snags, get your clear nail polish out! be creative, adapt, invent, Take RISKS (I know, I know, risks are scary)
                                                      Make-up Artist: Andrea Comacho

 ~Acknowledge the work you have done, it is important to know where you started and how far you have come

       ~Emotions try to get the best of us, while doing big things and taking risks, it gets scary, your childhood failures all come flooding back and BIG L from 3rd grade who called you “stupid,” (which you aren’t) is ringing loud-n-clear between the ears. You’re not stupid. You need to figure out the trigger and let it go. Let it come in your mind, figure out why, then waste no more time with Big L continue to success!!

       ~Review your work, what did it take to get to where you currently stand and try to continue at the same pace, set a date for completion

       ~When you master it, celebrate! give yourself a star, get stars from others, or just give it a satisfying nod. 

Well done, young lady, Well done

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