Evolutionary Perspective of Ambition
Today I will be discussing ambition
from an evolutionary perspective. In “An Open Letter to ComparativePsychologists” By Daniel J. Povinelli, Derek C. Penn, and Keith J. Holyoak they
said, "it is time for comparative psychologists to move beyond a faith-based
belief in the “mental continuity” between all species and to invest as much
effort in identifying the differences between human and nonhuman minds as they
have invested in identifying the similarities. Only then will comparative psychology
be able to take its rightful place at the roundtable of cognitive science.” I
also agree it is important to combine all views of psychology including the evolutionary
view, to help define a behavior occurring among us."
According to Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, a
professor of anthropology, in Jeffrey Kluger’s "AMBITION Why Some People
Are Most Likely To Succeed,” "primate wide, males are more competitive than
females, but that’s not the same as saying women aren’t innately competitive
too. The roots of these differences lie in animal and human mating strategies. “Males
are built to go for quick, competitive reproductive hits and move on.” “Woman
are built for the ‘it-takes-a-village life, in which they provide long-term
care to a very few young and must sail them safely into an often hostile
world.” In old world monkeys “this can be tricky since young females inherit
their mother’s social rank.” The mothers must thus operate the levers of
society skillfully so as to raise both their own position and eventually their
These behaviors also occur in human
nature. Children are typically huge motivators for mothers who grew up in a
world they wouldn’t want their child brought up in, (of course, there are
always outliers.) Generally speaking, women work hard and make sacrifices to
see their children live a better life than their own. That is one of the most
important aspects of parenting. Mothers who quit the workplace altogether to
raise their family? Hrdy believes they’re competing for one of the most
enduring stakes of all, putting aside their near-term goals to ensure the
long-term success of their line.” Not all men have the “hit it and quit it mindset
and not all women possess the “it takes a village mentality. The difference between
us and animals is that we can understand our need to
change our animalistic roots, or as Christians would call it, “denying the
flesh,” in order to improve a relationship with someone we love.

Note to single mothers,

“…It is
that flexibility… that makes dreaming big dreams and pursuing big goals worth
all the bother. Ambition is an expensive impulse, one that requires an enormous
investment of emotional capitol. Like any investment, it can pay off in
countless different kinds of coin. The trick, as any good speculator will tell
you, is recognizing the riches when they come”
Jerrrey Kluger “AMBITION”
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