Today we are ready

Today my daughter starts school. She's up early which isn't a reflection of the rest of the school year. Keurig is on, Cappuccino is poured, and she is completely ready 2 hours before the bus arrives. She has on a new shirt and her cowboy boots from last year that she is now attached to. She is bright eyed and bushy tailed. I am relieved. She is full of conversation which also doesn't reflect the rest of the school year.

It's her first day! She is ready! I am grateful that we didn't sleep through an alarm or have some outlandish mishap that no one on my suburban U could solve. Today we are ambitious to make the bus. Today we need all her supplies and lunch money. Her hair is miraculously done and neat without tears or tyranny.

The first day is great, ambition is high and anxiety has us ready! This won't last. The excitement of our first day will fizzle away after this week is completed. Mornings will consist of little talking, hair fights, and tears. We will attempt to fight with time to gain more sleep and we will lose. Breakfast will be eaten while running out to catch the bus. She will make it.  Let's not talk about it.

All that doesn't matter. We don't need to worry about tomorrow. Today is what matters, today is exciting. Today is perfect! I will relish this moment of relief and perfectly made cappuccino. I will relish tearless neat hair and the sound of Mine Craft this morning, since my daughter has gotten herself completely ready with little direction from me.

Now it's time to go relish. I challenge you all to enjoy today everyday.

I would love to hear about your morning! Please comment below.


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